Tales from Suburban Bohemia: Bill Gates EXTRA
This post originally appeared on Stumpy Moose on 8 December, 2001, and was migrated to PraguePig.com on 21 December, 2018.
Well, if you really want to know:
I’d been working as a hotel porter in Blackpool after university, saved up some money and toured Canada by bus.
During the trip I stayed at my uncle’s house in Newfoundland and started reading a Bill Gates biography.
I decided that if Bill could set up Microsoft and become the richest man in the world, I could probably do something more with my life than moving tables and chairs around a conference centre so I decided to focus on writing.
So there you go. I warned you it wasn’t very interesting.
1 Response
[…] but I’m not one of those people who thinks Bill is the devil. Oddly, I can also claim that Bill Gates changed my life, though not in an interesting […]