Heavily Photoshopped images of the Old Town. Interviews with cafe-owning Vrsovice hipsters. Articles about the “up-and-coming” Karlin district. David Bloody Cerny.
These are just some of the things you won’t see on PraguePig.com.
PraguePig.com gives expats in Prague the Czech news that nobody else wants to tell them — the WTF weirdness, tabloid sleaze and creepy crime stories that don’t normally get translated into English. (Plus a bunch of clickbaity garbage, of course. This is the internet, after all.)
PraguePig.com believes that if you love something, you love it warts and all, and PraguePig.com loves Prague’s warts.
• To learn uninteresting facts about PraguePig.com’s founder, see About Sam Beckwith