Tales from Suburban Bohemia: Security Measures UPDATE
This post originally appeared on Stumpy Moose on 27 June, 2002, and was migrated to PraguePig.com on 9 February, 2020.
This is an update to my earlier column, Security Measures.
For reasons unknown (to me, at least), The Prague Post nameplate is now back up on Stepanska street.
The blue security door is still in place, though.
Elsewhere, I heard that Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty employees were advised to be on guard because the Communists and their (mostly geriatric) followers were holding a rally at the top of Wenceslas Square.
Call me complacent, but the possibility of two dozen pensioners storming the country’s most tightly guarded building doesn’t seem like a credible threat.
I never did hear who was responsible for the bazooka, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a leftist granny.
Sam Beckwith
Internet Celebrity