CzechTourism promotes lack of foreigners as reason for visiting Prague

Screenshot nicked from Kudy z nudy
Desperate times: CzechTourism, the agency normally responsible for attracting foreign visitors, is using the absence of “crowds of foreigners” as a selling point for domestic tourists.
COVID-19 coronavirus travel restrictions have had a devastating effect on tourism in Prague this year (2020), forcing CzechTourism to increasingly focus on attracting provincial Czechs to the capital.
With this in mind, an article entitled Sedm důvodů, proč si právě teď užijete advent v Praze (“Seven Reasons why you should experience Advent in Prague right now”) on CzechTourism’s Czech-language Kudy z nudy website reassures readers that:
This year’s Christmas in Prague will be different and perhaps more beautiful than ever: without the usual hustle and bustle, without crowds of foreigners and without crowded Advent markets. says: Your treachery will not soon be forgotten, CzechTourism 😉