Reminder: Shops larger than 200 square metres will close for tomorrow’s (Tue’s) VE Day holiday. [Facebook Post]
Give your pooch a very special treat at this newly opened boutique in Prague 6-Stresovice.
Hats off to the Arkády Pankrác mall for this daring assault on the tyranny of consumerism, proudly displayed on their English-language homepage. Or maybe it’s just a bad translation of “Ve společnosti módy” (“In...
Like sausages? Like sexy laydeez? Then you’ll love striptýzky!
Is Tomio Okamura the acceptable face of racism in the Czech Republic?
Consumerists or Communists? Hats off to the Billa marketing exec (presumably in Germany) who thought it would be a good idea to slap the Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy (Communist Party of Bohemia and...